Saturday, January 24, 2009

How do I get action taken against scammer locksmiths in my area?

1. If you are a customer that is being scammed or just got the local police to report it. Also if you paid with a credit card, contact your credit card company to complain.

2. If you are not satisfied with the result of the local investigation consider contacting your state legislative representative. This site will allow you to easily to contact any of your states representatives to let them know what happened to you. Please be sure to include the PHONE NUMBER of the company that scammed you because they may have used a fake name and address to make it harder for you to track them down. With the phone number the offending company can be recontacted.

You can provide them this link: for a brief introduction to the scammer problem. They will probably be appauled and surprised to find out that this is a widespread problem.

3. Contact you states Attorney General to complain. Not sure how to get in touch with them... this page has a quick link to all of the AG sites in the US. Again, try to get the phone number and name of the company.

4. Still not vindicated? Go to your local press and TV stations and explain your problem. They may even produce a sting where they call the scammers out and expose them on local TV.

DO NOT attempt to engage them, many are foreign nationals that will resist deportation by force. Many are former foreign military trained in hand to hand combat so it would not be wise to make a direct physical confrontation with them.

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